You may focus on some simple steps in order to save money on filling petrol to your car and you will free up some of your cash for other purposes. These simple tips could also work for diesel vehicles.
The prices of diesel and petrol have stopped rising for a bit, but still there’s a huge cost when running a vehicle. So, here are some simple but effective fuel saving tips:
(1.) Make fewer trips. Remember that when you drive a vehicle which has been parked for an hour or two, the engine has already become cold, so it will already use more fuel for the first five miles of travel. You would ideally combine all your errands each day into one big travel.
This isn’t possible if you’re going to pop out at the day to drop off and collect your family members anywhere, but try not to separately go out to do the shopping at the supermarket or just buy a magazine or newspaper.
Don’t drive during the rush hours. Being stuck in a traffic jam is one of the worst places on Earth to spend your time. It’s also your very expensive trip because every time you start and stop in traffic jam, your vehicle needs first gear, and so a huge amount of fuel is needed to get moving again on the road.
(2.) Using second gear is not much better in this situation. Not to travel during the rush hours is the best solution. You can also save fuel when you understand what the vehicles are doing in front of you, and travelling steadily at a slow speed, rather than taking a high speed and then you brake hard.
If you really have your trip in rush hour, then you better consider buying a hybrid vehicle. This kind has been using much less fuel compared to a normal diesel or petrol car.
(3.) Close the car windows and sunroof. Closing the windows and sunroof isn’t so much of a problem when you are driving in town or metropolis but when you are on the motorway or out of town and moving quickly, the shape of your vehicle is very necessary. Aerodynamics is what car makers and designers call it.
You can’t anymore do much about the design of your vehicle, however, you can avoid making it worse by not leaving the sunroof and windows open. It would be better to use your car’s air vents for most of the year or you can use the air-con when the temperature is getting too hot.
(4.) Remove your car’s ski box and also the roof rack. Because having a roof rack on your vehicle is just like having your car’s windows left open. Even if the roof rack is empty, it raises drag and you’ll spend more fuel when you’re using your car. A big ski box is also the same as having another vehicle being strapped to your roof.
The latest innovation of ski box and roof rack has made them easy and quick to remove and fit, so you can stow them away when you are not using them.
(5.) Don’t carry unnecessary weight in your car. Your vehicle is just like your body that needs more fuel to move anywhere with more weight. Don’t put stuff around in the boot of your vehicle unless you really need it in your trip. Ironically, the heavier the stuff the less likely you’re taking it out of the boot and the greater the effect it will have on your consumption of fuel.
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